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Culture disaster series captures the destructive impact of a society that reduces women to mere objects of desire. This pieces expose the pervasive and often invisible forces that strip women of their individuality, reshaping their identity through the lens of sexualization. Through fragmented imagery and stark contrasts, the work reflects the tension between self-perception and societal expectations.
Confidence without ego
"It's about learning not winning"
In order to be confident, we need to open our minds, eyes and ears. A healthy level of self-confidence involves having faith in our abilities and being able to express them effectively, while still recognizing and respecting the strengths and accomplishments of others. Believing in ourselves and our ideas, but with the need to withhold from being self-centered.
It's about knowing our worth and how to leverage our worth.
The ego is needed to mediate between the unconscious and the conscious. Building confidence without becoming egotistical or arrogant is to focus on building our skills and abilities for personal growth and improvement, rather than seeking validation or recognition from others, dwelling on past successes or comparing ourselves.
When we compare ourselves to others, we remove gratitude from our hearts. Daily gratitude and maintaining a sense of humility can be a great balance and leads to a quiet ego.
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